Roof Scaffolding System for Roofing Materials
Please read carefully
Refer to Chart A below for safe load limits of Plywood, Particle Board, or oriented Stran Board. DO NOT EXCEED 3600 LBS.
Chart A
Install trusses using a crane.
Install PlyScaf on concrete block wall with poured lintel, or load bearing wood walls, install cross brace on PlyScaf.
Using a crane, lift material (with shipping bands in place) onto PlyScaf, being careful to center the load onto the PlyScaf.
Install all material in place leaving a 4'x8' opening around the PlyScaf.
Remove PlyScaf and install remaining sheet of plywood.
Chart B. Click image to enlarge
Note Safety Feature of PlyScaf
The safety feature that keeps our roof scaffolding system safely mounted on a wood frame wall is the 2-2x4s in an 8' span. These two braces attach from the bottom of the load-bearing wood frame wall to the bottom cord on the trusses, along with two braces from the top of the load-bearing wood frame wall to the floor that was attached when the wall was built. These two braces should make contact where they cross and 4-16d nails are installed where they intercept. These two X braces do not allow the trusses or the load-bearing wall to move when the plywood is installed on the Plyscaf.
Installing Our Roof Scaffolding System on Wood Frame Wall
(Refer to Chart B on right as needed - Click chart to enlarge)
Measure down 14" from top of wall and install solid wood blocking between studs.
Nail two 8' 2x4's along the top plate using two 16d nails 16" O.C. (one 2x4 on outside of wall and one 2x4 on inside of wall)
Nail two 8' 2x4's 14" down from top plate using two 16d nails into bearing studs (one 2x4 on outside of wall and one 2x4 on inside of wall)
Add wood shims as necessary for 7&3/4" total width on wood wall.
After the trusses have been installed, add 3-2x4s at approximately a 45-degree angle from the bottom cord of the trusses to the bottom of the load-bearing wall using 4-16d nails on each end of the 2x4.
Bearing wall needs to be fastened securely before installing wood trusses and PlyScaf. Using 2x4 temporary braces 8' O.C., install on a 45 degree angle from the top plate to the floor, nailing four 16d nails in each side of the 2x4 braces. Nail 2x4 on floor using six 16d nails into floor trusses or six 7d hardened nails into the concrete floor.
Place our roof scaffolding system onto bearing wood walls following these or the instructions located on the PlyScaf.
Trusses must be securely fastened to load bearing walls.
Do not stack PlyScaf over window and door openings. PlyScaf must be positioned over 8"x8"x16" concrete block with poured lintel.
Do not remove metal shipping bands until installer is ready to apply material to the roof or floor area.
Do not stack load off center. Material must be centered on PlyScaf.
Do not leave material uncovered. Drive 4 16d nails into top sheets 8" from the edges and tightly cover with visqueen.